Our Work

We empower people and communities in crisis-affected countries to lift themselves out of poverty and marginalisation.


Aiming to assist the most vulnerable, we try to ensure that no one is left behind on the basis of gender, disability, or other discriminatory factors. In our development programming, we use a rights-based approach and seek attitude change to enable women’s empowerment.

The link to the SDGs: The ambition to leave no one behind cuts across all the SDGs.


Working to support durable improvement in lives and livelihoods, we try to link relief, recovery and development. Taking a context-specific approach to analysing and preparing for natural hazards, we work towards Disaster Risk Reduction. In climatevulnerable locations we will try to integrate Climate Change Adaptation approaches into local development where possible. Link to Sustainable Development Goals:

1. No Poverty and also G13 – Climate Change

Accountability and Partnership

Responding to community needs, we try to be accountable to those we help and those who fund our work. We collaborate with other local and international partners and take a planned approach to capacity building of civil society.

Link to Sustainable Development Goals:
16. Peace, justice, and strong institutions,
17. Partnerships for the goals

Where we work


Our local partners

Mission Øst often collaborates with local partners in the countries we work in. This type of collaboration has many advantages, including access to local knowledge, strengthening of civil society in a crisis-stricken country, and continuity in aid work.

  • The local partner has good knowledge of local conditions, good local contacts, and an understanding of the needs of the local population.
  • The collaboration with Mission Øst strengthens the capacity of the local partner – and thus strengthens the entire civil society in a crisis-stricken country.
  • Mission East does not necessarily stay in a country indefinitely. A collaboration with a local partner ensures that the aid work can continue when we are no longer there.
  • Afghanistan Social and Legal Organization (ASLO)
  • Baharak Vocational Agriculture Social Service Organization (BVASSO)
  • Empowerment of Women Organization (EWO)
  • Afghan women rehabilitation and skill building association (AWRSA)
  • Organization for development services and agriculture development (ODSAD)
  • Comfort for Women Organization (CWO)
  • Life roots social and economic development organization (LRESDO)
  • Aids Prevention
  • AIDS Prevention Union
  • Arevshat Foundation
  • Amenian General Benevolent Union
  • Armenian Volunteer Corps
  • Birthright Armenia
  • Bridge of Hope
  • Education & Care
  • Equal Rights Equal Opportunities
  • National Center for Aids Prevention
  • New Generation
  • OxYGen
  • Positive People Armenian Network
  • Syndunik
  • Youth Initiatives Center
  • Engineering Association for Development and Environment (EADE)