Complaints or whistleblowing

At Mission East, we always strive to live up to our values and quality standards to provide the best possible assistance. Therefore, we welcome complaints and feedback, which we always take very seriously.
Here you can report any complaints regarding suspected or observed violations of Mission East’s Code of Conduct, corruption, sexual harassment, abuse or exploitation, poor management, or other serious misconduct committed by Mission East employees, partners, or suppliers – in any part of the organization or in any of the countries we work in.
If you wish to provide other feedback or complain about the services we deliver in the countries where we work, we encourage you to contact our country offices directly. If you represent or are employed by Mission East, you must ensure that you use the appropriate reporting channel according to our whistleblower and reporting policy.

Anonymity and Confidentiality

You have the option to remain anonymous. To do so, you should leave the last field below empty, so no one inside or outside Mission East can trace your report back to you. Please note that you are only 100% anonymous via the form below, as an email can usually be traced.
However, we encourage you to tell us who you are so that we have a better opportunity to handle your inquiry and possibly initiate an investigation.
Your report on this page or via the email provided on this page will be received by Mission East’s main complaints and handling committee (HQCHC). We have a duty of confidentiality, and our investigations are covered by the Danish Whistleblower Protection Act.
Submit your complaint by telling us what, where, when, and who your complaint is about via the form below (where you can choose to remain anonymous) or by writing to us at: Please specify your expectations of us.
(All complaints will be treated confidentially)

You can send your complaint to this email