Your company can make a world of difference in partnership with Mission East – through a donation, a sponsorship or as a strategic partner. There are as many good reasons to support our work with a donation as to embark on closer cooperation. Together, we will make sustainable solutions and activities that engage people.
Mission East supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Write us to learn more about how we can work together.
In return for a one-off corporate donation, you will get a diploma, a newsletter from the field and the use of our logo on your website and intranet. This enables you to show staff, customers and suppliers that you are contributing to a better world for marginalised people and are rendering your support where it is needed most.
§ Corporate tax deduction rules
According to Danish law, donations to Mission East are tax deductible up to 17,200 kr.
Click here for more information on tax deductions (in Danish).
A corporate sponsorship is fixed-term and supports – usually through a one-off donation – a particular project or a theme such as health, disaster relief or food security. The theme and content will be agreed by the partners.
The project or theme can be supported by different sources.
Get in touch with us and let us have an informal discussion about the possibilities.
§ Tax rules
If your company receives a PR service as a result of our cooperation, you can usually deduct an amount as a business expense. All donations entailing a PR service will be susceptible to Danish V.A.T.
When companies decide to integrate social and environmental concerns into their business activities and their interaction with social responsibility, it not only improves the company’s reputation and makes the staff proud and satisfied. It is also a competitive parameter on par with the traditional parametres that create loyal and satisfied customers.
We cooperate with big and small businesses and devise meaningful CSR suggestions.
Mission East has more than 25 years of experience working on sustainable development and disaster relief. We cooperate with a network of professional and local partners and take pride in being flexible, because we are quite small, but sufficiently large to make a difference. Flexibility is essential in unstable areas affected by conflict or natural disasters. It makes our work sustainable and efficient.
Sponsorships and CSR cooperation
If your company receives a PR service as a result of our cooperation, you can usually deduct the amount as a business expense. All donations entailing a PR service will be susceptible to V.A.T.
It is up to your company to investigate whether you can deduct the amount as business expenses (e.g. as PR) in accordance with Danish tax law. Please seek advice from an accountant or a lawyer.
We are certified as compliant with the Core Humanitarian Standards.
We support the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
A business driven CSR partnership is tailor-made for your company and depends on the size of the amount as well as your values and needs. We shall design our strategic cooperation in accordance with our common goals and interests and using our combined skills to the fullest. A CSR partnership would typically last two-three years and entail industry exclusivity, PR, and joint marketing initiatives, internally as well as externally. The core element of this partnership is to make a difference to the world, thus creating a better reputation, staff involvement and an image that differs from your competitors.
I henhold til Ligningsloven §8A er fradragsberettiget op til 17.000 kr. i 2020.
Husk at skrive CVR-nummer, når du giver en donation. Så sørger vi for, at donationen automatisk bliver meldt til SKAT
Brug NetBank: 3170
Kontonr.: 00109 180 30
Erhvervssponsor og CSR-samarbejde
I henhold til Statsskatteloven §6 kan hele beløbet fratrækkes. Får din virksomhed en reklameydelse i forbindelse med et samarbejde, kan I som hovedregel få fradrag for beløbet som driftsudgift. Alle donationer med en reklameydelse bliver pålagt moms på fakturaen.
Det er op til din virksomhed at bedømme, om I har lov til at fratrække beløbet som driftsomkostninger (fx reklameudgift). Konsulter revisor eller jurist.
Få overblikket over fradragsreglerne hos SKAT
Vi blev CHS certificeret i 2017
Vi støtter FN’s Verdensmål.
Write us to learn more about how we can work together