Mission East Code of Conduct
Mission East (ME) aims to be an example of good practice in disaster relief and development assistance towards local populations, our staff, and other stakeholders. As an organisation, we strive to achieve this through our commitment to the Core Humanitarian Standard, Red Cross Code of Conduct, Sphere Standards, and other standards as outlined in our Quality Commitments Framework. We also expect all ME representatives to commit to principles of good conduct throughout their work. This document – Mission East’s Code of Conduct (referred to as ‘the Code’) – defines the principles of good staff conduct. These principles are core to the culture, essence and values of Mission East.
Any individual representing ME in any way – including a staff member, intern, volunteer or board member – must uphold the Code and commit to applying its principles throughout their work. All such individuals are referred to as ‘representatives’ of ME in this document. The Code forms part of each representative’s contract with ME. Managers are responsible to ensure that individuals under their responsibility understand, commit and adhere to the Code. Representatives’ commitment to the Code is valid whenever they are acting in their representative role for ME, and whenever they are present in beneficiary communities; whether on duty or off.
The Code of Conduct Principles
Mission East representatives commit to:
- Reflect Mission East Values throughout their work. Our ‘Values in Action’ are: honesty, integrity, compassion, valuing the individual and respect for all people.
- Be aware of and respect local culture and values and abide by national laws.
- Act without any discrimination based on political, racial, sexual, religious or ethnic identity; disability; or other exclusive categories towards beneficiaries and ME representatives.
- Apply the principle of “Do no harm to people and environment” in every aspect of their activities.
- Act towards beneficiaries, ME representatives, and other stakeholders in full respect of their human rights.
- Prioritise the safety of ME representatives and beneficiaries above projects or property.
- Perform their duties without any wilful negligence or intentional inefficiency.
- Prevent any physical or verbal abuse or harassment
- Prevent sexual exploitation and abuse, including any sexual activity with children under 18 years and exchange of money, employment, goods or services for sexual favours.
- Prevent fraudulent activity and theft or misuse of ME assets and intellectual property
- Refuse to give or receive bribes of any form.
- Abstain from being under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances in a way that affects their ability to do their job or affects the reputation of the organisation.
The principles quoted in this Code are defined in greater detail in the ME Human Resources Handbook.
Breaches and Reporting
When there is a breach of these principles, ME representatives commit to reporting it immediately according to the Reporting Misconduct, Whistleblowing & Grievance policy in the ME HR Handbook. Breaches will be addressed according to the Discipline policy.