Thousands of vulnerable people continue to receive support to fight COVID-19. Here is the latest report from Mission East’s COVID-19 response.


We receive regular updates from our COVID-19 response around the world.

Family after family receives information about COVID-19 along with hygiene items, protective equipment and boxes with food as our dedicated staff and partners reach out to urban areas, rural areas and remote mountain regions to serve the most vulnerable.

About 170,000 people have received support from Mission East so far, and 172,000 families with about 860,000 people have access to radio with life-saving information on protection against COVID-19.

These are the target countries of our COVID-19 response:

In Afghanistan, 3,007 displaced families in Taloqan and Faizabad have received hygiene items and information materials – about 22,000 people. The same goes for 1,907 families in the Badakhshan region and 2,312 families in the Takhar region – both in the northeastern part of the country.
In Iraq, 6,629 people in Sinjar, Kirkuk, Hawija and Mosul have received hygiene and cleaning kits and information materials in the past three weeks.
In Syria, 421 families – about 2,400 people – have been served in Aleppo with food parcels and hygiene items.
In Lebanon, needs continue to grow. The local currency, Lira, depreciates on a daily basis, and prices of e.g. bread has quadrupled. Last week, however, we managed to reach 5,066 people with food and hygiene items for both Lebanese, Syrian refugees and Palestinian refugees.
In Nepal, Mission East is procuring hygiene kits for upcoming distributions. Simultaneously, our staff are busy following up on previous distributions. This feedback will help us become even more efficient in the future.
In Myanmar, the COVID-19 operation is almost completed. Through two local organizations, Mission East has served 19,015 people in 58 villages. Two medical facilities have received protective equipment. And 20,000 families – over 100,000 people – have been able to listen to radio broadcasts on protection against Corona virus.
In Tajikistan, a round of distribution with information and hygiene materials is being prepared in the Darvoz and Vanj districts. Here, 10,300 people will receive information on how to avoid infecting families and the local community with COVID-19. Local health posts will receive protective equipment and disinfectants.