The right diagnosis has led to the right help so that 11-year-old Dilovarsho from Tajikistan can return to school.

Dilovarsho had lost the desire to go to school. His reading was poor, and his vocabulary was not too good either. Therefore, he did not speak like the 11-year-old boy he was. He became an easy victim of bullying and was often beaten by his school mates.

Dilovarsho’s parents just thought he was a lazy boy with bad habits. Therefore, they did not mention his problems when Mission East’s partner organization visited his home in a Tajikistan village to check if the family had children with special needs.

But a schoolteacher mentioned Dilovarsho in a support group for parents of children with disabilities, which Mission East supports. Included in the group was a doctor who recommended that Dilovarsho be examined.

Defective nervous system and poor eyesight

And so it was done.

Dilovarsho was examined by a neurologist in the nearby city, who discovered that he was suffering from a defect in the central nervous system. An ophthalmologist then found that the boy had poor eyesight and involuntary eye movements.

He was immediately connected to a rehabilitation center, which Mission East supports. A lawyer informed the school about children’s rights and the goal of including all children in education regardless of prerequisites.

Music helps in communication

Today, Dilovarsho has greatly benefited from the efforts of speech therapists at the Mission East supported Rehabilitation Center. His communication skills have improved a lot – thanks to training and music. He has also come into harmony with himself and has made new friends.

Dilovarsho is now back in school and thriving because his teachers are now more attentive to his needs. His classmates have also stopped bullying him and now understand that his speech difficulties and reading problems have identified causes.

Also Dilovarsho’s parents have got a new perspective on their son. They understand the importance of supporting him and that they as parents play a key role in his upbringing. And they understand that it is not the limitations that define him but that he has opportunities for the future.

The project “Building a bright future for children with disabilities” is supported by Civil Society in Development (CISU).