In 2017, Mission East received the coveted CHS-certification. Read more about our certification here. It has been awarded to only a few organizations that do work of the highest quality. The other two important quality standards for our programs are the Red Cross’Code of Conduct and Sphere Project Standards.
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We focus on climate and the environment by preparing local communities for the consequences of climate change such as floods, droughts and landslides which make it extremely difficult to grow vital crops. As an example, we build flood protection walls, help communities adapt their agriculture to changing temperatures and support the recycling of building materials.
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Promote civil society partnerships
Adgang for alle til drikkevand, sanitet og hygiejne (inkl. kvinder/piger/sårbare grupper), og lokalbefolkningers deltagelse i forbedring af vandkvalitet og sanitetsforhold.
The greatest effects of natural hazards such as floods, storms, droughts, and earthquakes are felt by communities already disadvantaged by poverty. Mission East helps such communities to analyse risks and take actions to prepare for, prevent, and respond to disasters
Loss of assets due to disaster or inability to access important resources often prevents the poorest from earning their living, keeping them trapped in poverty. Mission East supports sustainable livelihoods activities by providing tools, materials, training, advice, and facilitation
End abuse/ exploitation/ trafficking/ violence against children; ensure responsive/ inclusive/ participatory/ representative decisions-making; and promote non-discriminatory laws/ policies.
Eradicate extreme poverty; reduce the number of people living in poverty; ensure all groups have equal rights to economic resources and access to services; build the resilience of the poor and reduce vulnerability to disaster; and promote pro-poor policies.
Natural and man-made disasters have their biggest impact on the poorest populations, threatening lives, disrupting homes and schools, and harming livelihoods. Mission East responds rapidly and efficiently to deliver relief items, cash or shelter materials, and other assistance together with local and international partners.
Lack of clean water, inadequate sanitation facilities, and poor hygiene practice lead to the spread of life-threatening diseases. Mission East helps communities to build or repair water systems and latrines and shares information on good hygiene practice.
Mangel på mad – eller ensformig kost – fører til underernæring og dårligt helbred, især hos sårbare befolkningsgrupper som børn, gravide kvinder og ammende mødre. Mission Øst forsyner lokalsamfund med værktøj, frø og oplæring, så produktion, konservering og brug af fødevarer kan blive mere effektiv og varieret.
Lack of food – or a monotonous diet – leads to malnutrition and poor health, especially among vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers. Mission East provides communities with tools, seeds and training to make food production, preservation and food consumption more efficient and diverse.